Green Group

Our Environmental Activity (Treasure)
We aim to improve the biodiversity of the land we manage, enabling the wildlife to prosper and we actively encourage our congregations and the wider community to enjoy God’s creation. Both churches have access to natural land, a traditional churchyard at All Saints and at St Andrew’s a small woodland and new garden area. We organise an annual Snowdrop Festival at All Saints which has proved a hugely successful way to connect with the local community and welcome people into our church. We also work in collaboration with local organisations who share our conservation aims.

ECO Church Award
We have committed to the A Rocha Eco Church Scheme and are delighted to have obtained the Silver Standard Award in January 2025.

Green Group

Net Carbon Zero
We are working towards becoming a net carbon zero church. We have made some initial improvements to reduce our carbon footprint and our electricity is purchased on a green tariff. We remain reliant on gas for most of our heating but are developing a plan to move away from this by 2030.