Highlights of the PCC Meeting held on 20th January 2025
Appointment of New Rector: Plans are in place for the Institution Service for our new Rector, Rev Ben Brady. This will take place in All Saints Church on Monday, 3rd February at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be offered; cakes and biscuits are requested. Several members of Rev. Ben’s current church in Lincoln are expected to attend.
Mission & Outreach: These operations are pausing ahead of the arrival of the new Rector. The next meeting of the Group is scheduled for 27th January.
Youth & Children: Monday Youth is changing its format: Years 7-9 will meet 7pm to 8.30pm and Years 10+ will meet from 8pm to 9.30pm. Aimee will organise a trip for the Groups towards the end of the current term. Kidz Klub numbers have doubled from 6 to 12 attendees. Flyers will be sent out to the schools with a full listing of this term’s proposed activities. It is intended to increase the focus of the youth work onto outreach events, starting with a Pancake Party to be held on 4th March.
Cake and Company: The Group continues to run successfully with meetings on alternate Tuesdays with an emphasis on outreach. York City Council are encouraging people to attend, not least in helping to tackle loneliness. A new local co-ordinator has been appointed, Penny Hutchinson. Ian Richardson asked the PCC to start thinking about succession planning and defining the role of this Group more clearly.
Green Group: The achievement of Silver Status Eco Church was acknowledged. PCC asked that some of the completed items should publicised with photographs and names on the Church Website/Noticeboards for all to see.
The annual Snowdrop Festival is planned for 22nd-23rd February at AS when there will be a variety of activities available. The Carbon-Zero Subgroup has a 5-year draft plan which is on hold until the new Rector is in place.
Treasurer’s Report & Update: Andrew C described the distribution of the surplus and the allocation of shortfall provision held in the General fund. These totalled £25,756.
Change of Accounting Principles: Andrew C described the required switch to Accrual Accounting. This was a requirement as per the Charities Act 2011 as we had reached the income threshold of £250,000.
St Crux Fundraising: Fundraising over several years was reviewed as the SA Extension had been completed. It was agreed to use funds raised towards providing new ‘infrastructure’ to support our worship and wider mission.
Building and Fabric: The Group will produce material for the Church Website and Noticeboards to show church members the range of work that is necessary in maintaining our buildings. Income from grants had been of the order of £36k over the last 12 months. PCC proposed a vote of thanks to Sue Duffield for her work on the bids. The proposal to provide internet at All Saints was agreed.
Social Media report: The five authorised Facebook social media sites have no issues or problems.
Safeguarding Dashboard Report: Items requiring PCC attention were discussed.
18th November 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 18th November agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.
16th September 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 16th September agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.
15th July 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.
20th May 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May were agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.
18th March 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March were agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.
15th January 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January were agreed. You can read a full copy of these here.