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15th January 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January were agreed.  You can read a full copy of these here.

18th March 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March were agreed.  You can read a full copy of these here.​

20th May 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May were agreed.  You can read a full copy of these here.​

15th July 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were agreed.  You can read a full copy of these here.

16th September 2024

Please read below the "Highlights"  from the last PCC meeting held on 16th September:

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th July 2024 were agreed.  

Mission & Outreach: Chris P explained that the Group’s focus at their next meeting will be on Christmas. 

Cake and Company: The Group has started up again with approx. 50 people attending including some new faces. It has also been noted that new people are inviting some of their friends to attend the meetings. 

Proposals and Consideration for All Age Worship: The following monthly schedule will now be adopted at SA:

1st Sunday – Forest Church

2nd Sunday – All Age where everyone stays in Church

3rd Sunday – Baptism – KS1 (Pebbles) and KS2 group leave for age-appropriate teaching. Sofa City Secondary Age young people remain in the service.

4th Sunday – Holy Communion - Children and Young People as 3rd Sunday. 

Youth & Children:  Plan is to re-establish a full programme of the regular Youth and Children activities during this term with no additional changes. Current plan is:

Monday Evenings - focus will be on building good daily habits

Kidz Klub to resume with weekly meetings looking at Jesus and his journeys.   

Oasis to resume at New Earswick Primary School

Brigade Band meeting again on Wednesday evenings, and Martins, the younger Brigade Group, meeting on Thursdays.

Youth Fest: 38 young people attended the 3-day annual festival at SA. Whilst the majority had been from other churches the event was excellent with a tangible presence of God and some good conversations with the Youth 

Britney Brett: will be teaching KS2 children and Sofa City on the subject of “Children in Need” on Sundays. She will also help to lead Monday Youth Group and Kidz Klub. Britney will also be helping to deliver Assemblies at Huntington Primary School.

Allocation of Tithe: Some excellent ‘thank you’ letters had been received from organisations who received our annual tithe. Andrew C sought to establish ‘Leads’ to facilitate communication and interaction with each receiving organisation. 

Hartrigg Oaks Worship Community:  Chris Clark provided some encouraging feedback from Hartrigg Oaks where his ministry with Eleanor Clarke has resulted in regular Bible Study Meetings with up to 9 people attending, and regular Sunday Meetings with up to 27 attendees.  

Finance & Treasurer’s Update: Our regular giving is £4,700 above budget which is encouraging. Other items are doing well giving a total of £11,903 better than budget. Overall, we are underspent by £18,552. This leaves us with a current surplus of £3,500 which is expected to fall between a £5,000 deficit and balanced outcome by the year end.

Budget for 2025: PCC noted the anticipated need to generate additional funds to support 2026.  

Prayer and Gift Week: will be 6-13th October. There will be a Joint Service at All Saints on Sunday, and a Thursday Night Prayer Meeting from 7.30–9pm.

Building & Fabric: Juliet W reported that work has started on the West Window at AS. It is anticipated that the contractor will return to fully reinstate the window in October.

A sheet of asbestos has been discovered in the Rectory. The property is, therefore, completely out of bounds until necessary investigations have been completed. 

PCC Membership: Carol and Steve Gosling were elected to full Membership of the PCC.

Safeguarding: The PCC noted the current Dashboard Report. 

Use of Social Media: Ben G reported positive progress made in developing this new policy. 

Vacancy: Following the recent interviews on 16th of September, one of the Candidates has been offered the position of Rector. 

Parish Weekend: The Wydale Site has been booked for the weekend 4-5th July 2025. 

APCM: The date for the next APCM was confirmed as Monday, 7th April 2025.

Date of Next PCC Meeting: Monday, 18th November 2024.


Parochial Church Council (PCC)
PCC MEETINGS 2024-2025

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